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Why Choose Open MRI? The Unique Advantages Explored at GLMI

Published June 25th, 2023 by Great Lakes Medical Imaging

Prioritizing Patient Experience: The Open MRI Advantage

Great Lakes Medical Imaging (GLMI) is dedicated to promoting a patient-centric approach in the realm of medical imaging. To accomplish this, one of the prime technologies we employ is Open MRI. While we have previously discussed its drawbacks, it is equally crucial to shed light on the reasons why numerous patients and healthcare professionals prefer Open MRI. This article delves into the distinct benefits of Open MRI that make it an appealing option for many.

Enhanced Patient Comfort

Arguably, the most significant benefit of Open MRI lies in the enhanced comfort it offers patients. Unlike the conventional MRI machines characterized by a closed, tubular structure, Open MRI machines boast an open architecture, rendering a less restrictive experience. Such features render Open MRI a preferred choice for claustrophobic patients, larger patients, or those who desire a roomier environment during their scan.

Accommodating a Diverse Patient Pool

The open configuration of these machines facilitates better accommodation of various patient demographics. This includes children who might require a parent's presence during the scan, patients with mobility constraints, and those who necessitate closer monitoring during the procedure.

High-Quality Imaging Across Various Conditions

Although Open MRI typically functions at a lower magnetic field strength, it is capable of delivering high-quality imaging for a host of conditions. From musculoskeletal imaging to the identification of abnormalities in the brain or spinal cord, Open MRI can effectively aid in diagnosing an extensive range of health complications (RadiologyInfo, 2021).

Improved Positioning for Specific Examinations

In certain instances, Open MRI can offer superior imaging opportunities. For some scans, especially those necessitating a particular orientation or involving body parts like the shoulder or hip, an Open MRI can facilitate easier positioning and potentially more precise results (American College of Radiology, 2021).

Final Thoughts

Opting for Open MRI can proffer a more patient-friendly, comfortable, and accessible imaging experience without undermining diagnostic quality for numerous conditions. As always, the optimal choice will be contingent upon the unique needs of the patient and the specific prerequisites of the examination.

If you're contemplating an Open MRI for your impending imaging exam, or you have additional queries regarding the procedure, we invite you to connect with our team at GLMI. Reach us at (716) 836-4646 or visit our contact page.

At GLMI, our commitment lies in melding advanced technology with empathetic care. We aim to shape a patient experience that is as comforting as it is comprehensive. Let us traverse your health journey together - contact us today.


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