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Unveiling the Most Common Interventional Radiology Procedures at Great Lakes Medical Imaging

Unveiling the Most Common Interventional Radiology Procedures at Great Lakes Medical Imaging (GLMI)

Interventional radiology has revolutionized healthcare by offering less invasive, highly effective treatment alternatives to traditional surgeries. At Great Lakes Medical Imaging (GLMI), we offer a range of interventional radiology procedures tailored to the unique needs of our patients. In this article, we shine the spotlight on the most commonly performed interventional radiology procedures at GLMI.

Angioplasty and Vascular Stenting

Angioplasty and vascular stenting are procedures used to open up narrowed or blocked blood vessels, restoring adequate blood flow. In this procedure, a small balloon is temporarily inflated to widen the vessel, and a stent (a small tube) may be inserted to keep the vessel open.


Chemoembolization is a targeted treatment for liver cancer, where chemotherapy drugs are directly delivered to the tumor, and the blood supply to the tumor is blocked. This procedure allows for a higher concentration of chemotherapy drugs at the cancer site, while reducing exposure to the rest of the body.

Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE)

UFE is a minimally invasive treatment for uterine fibroids, noncancerous growths in the uterus. Small particles are injected into the arteries supplying the fibroids, blocking their blood supply and causing them to shrink.

Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty

These procedures are used to treat painful vertebral compression fractures, often caused by osteoporosis. In vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty, medical-grade bone cement is injected into the fractured vertebra, stabilizing the fracture and relieving pain.


Interventional radiology at GLMI combines state-of-the-art imaging technology with minimally invasive techniques to treat a variety of conditions. These procedures offer patients the benefits of less pain, fewer complications, and shorter recovery times compared to traditional surgery. 

If you have any questions about these procedures or wish to explore if interventional radiology could be an option for you, please reach out to us at GLMI at (716) 836-4646 or visit our contact page.

 At GLMI, we're dedicated to providing top-tier, patient-focused care. We're here to guide you through your health journey, every step of the way. Contact us today!


  1. RadiologyInfo.org. (2021). Angioplasty and Vascular Stenting
  2. RadiologyInfo.org. (2021). Chemoembolization
  3. RadiologyInfo.org. (2021). Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE)
  4. RadiologyInfo.org. (2021). Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty
  5. Society of Interventional Radiology. (2021). About IR.

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