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Early Detection Saves Lives: The Importance of Breast Self-Exams

Published July 9th, 2023 by Great Lakes Medical Imaging

When it comes to managing breast cancer, early detection plays a pivotal role. Research indicates that the sooner breast cancer is identified, the greater the likelihood of successful treatment. Conducting regular breast self-exams is a crucial part of this early detection strategy. At Great Lakes Medical Imaging in Buffalo, NY, we advocate for these self-checks and seek to underscore their importance in our patient care approach.

What is a Breast Self-Exam?

A breast self-exam is a systematic procedure for examining your breasts for any alterations such as lumps, changes in size or shape, or discomfort. Regular self-examinations can help you familiarize yourself with your breasts' typical appearance and texture, enabling you to spot any variations more promptly.

Guidelines for Performing a Breast Self-Exam

Breast self-exams should ideally be performed once a month. The most suitable time to conduct these exams is a few days after the conclusion of your menstrual cycle when breasts are less likely to be tender or swollen.

You can carry out the self-exam in the shower, in front of a mirror, or while lying down. The process entails visually inspecting your breasts for any visible changes and manually examining your breasts and armpits for any unusual lumps or thickened areas.

The Importance of Professional Breast Screening

While breast self-exams are crucial, they are not a substitute for professional screening methods like Breast Ultrasound, 3D and Digital Mammography, and Breast MRI. These sophisticated imaging techniques can identify changes that may not be discernible through a self-exam, providing a comprehensive assessment of breast health.

Great Lakes Medical Imaging: Committed to Your Health

At Great Lakes Medical Imaging, we dedicate ourselves to delivering excellent care to the Western New York community. We are here to help you understand the vital role of early detection and guide you on how to perform breast self-exams.

For more details about our services or to schedule a screening, please Contact us today or give us a call at (716) 836-4646.

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